In 2015 to make a road trip from Queenstown to Waimate a little more interesting, I challenged myself with the A-Z Photography Challenge. This involved capturing 26 images, one for each letter of the alphabet. The images could represent objects that started with the letter or actual objects that were shaped like the letter. I added the extra layer of challenge with having to capture all the images with my 70-200mm lens. This was a relatively new lens to me at the time and gave me an opportunity to become more familiar with what it could do and what I could do with it. What resulted was a rather eclectic selection of images that are not all about the landscape. Obviously, I captured more than the 26 that are featured here but these were the ones that made the final cut.
A - Apples
E - Eyes and ears
I - Irrigation
M - McDonalds
R - Rose
S - Sheep
W - Waitaki
B - Bridge
F - Flag
J - Juice
N - Nose
T - Tusks
X - X
C - Cairn
G - Graffitti
K - Keys
O - Oil
U - Underwear
Y - Yellow
D - Dam
H - Hay
L - Lines
P - Pig
Q - Queen
V - Vines
Z - Zig-Zag